Wednesday, February 5, 2025, is National Weatherperson’s Day. This seems apt since on February 2 we look to a groundhog to predict the weather. Actually February 5 commemorates the birth of John Jeffries in 1744. He was a Boston physician and one of the first weather observers in America, and starting in 1774 took daily weather observations. In 1784 Jeffries took the first balloon weather observation in London.
- “Then and Now” is the exhibit for the month of February at Gallery 200, 103 W. Washington St. It showcases Sharon Malec’s artwork with fiber, which includes felting, stitching and quilting. The artist’s reception is from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7, 2025.
Sharon Malec began quilting in 1992, making traditional pieced quilts, but gradually turned to making contemporary art quilts. Her interest in animals and nature has been the inspiration for much of her artwork, which includes animals, birds and landscapes. After years of quilting, she began exploring other types of fiber, especially wool, and began making wool felt, as well as hand spinning wool yarn and using it in free form crochet and tapestry weaving.
Malec said, “As a fiber artist, I love of all kinds of fabrics. Fiber is a wonderfully colorful and tactile medium, resulting in art work with a soft expression. I am particularly drawn to nature’s colors which complement the animal and nature subjects that dominate my work. A variety of hand and machine techniques are used to create my quilts and felted pieces.”
Malec has quilts in the permanent collections of the Museum of the American Quilt’s Society inPaducah, Kentucky, the Lincoln Memorial library in Redlands, California , and theNorris Gallery in St Charles. She has self published three books about her work, as well as 64 individual patterns and an instructional video. merleburl.com
- Galley 200, 103 W. Washington St., hosts a community Valentine card making event from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 9, 2025. Attendees can make cards for thier loved one or to donate, plus enjoy some tasty snacks. There is nor charge, reservations are not necessary.
- The West Chicago Public Library holds the perfect program for Valentine’s Day,“Love Letters,”.The performance takes place at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025, in the main meeting room, 118 W. Washington St.” The play by A. R. Gurney that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The comedy/drama centers on two longtime friends, Melissa Gardner and Andrew Makepeace Ladd, who met in second grade. They chose others as mates, and lived to regret it. For more than 50 years, they share their life experiences with one another through a series of letters.
- West Chicago Cultural Arts Commission sponsors its Sixteenth Annual Community Banner Project Competition. The theme is “Time to Celebrate/Tiempo para Celebrar” The artwork may be any media with no limitation to technique or subject matter. Artists can submit photos of three-dimensional artwork. An independent juror selects the works of art. Each winning design is reproduced and featured in the 2024 West Chicago Banner Exhibition from May to September. All entries must be original and created within two years of entry date. For online submission or to review submission guidelines, visit org/artbannerexhibit. All entries are due by Friday, February 14, 2024.
- West Chicago City Museum presents the Historiography program, a non-fiction book reading group, at 1 p.m.Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025, in the Museum, 132 Main St. The book is “Men to Match My Mountains” by Irving Stone. To get a copy of the book or for further information, visit Friends of West Chicago City Museum website, com or call 630 231-3376. It is not necessary to read the book to attend.
It is a nonfiction historical novel following a few dozen men who helped shape the the 19th-century American presence in areas now known as California, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado. These include John Sutter, Brigham Young and the Mormons and the silver kings and miners .“The title of this work comes from a Sam Walter Foss poem ,“The Coming American,” which opens: “Bring me men to match my mountains […] Men with empires in their purpose.”
Stone is known for his biographical novels of noted artists, politicians, and intellectuals. Among the best known are “Lust for Life,” about the life of Vincent van Gogh, and “The Agony and the Ecstasy,” about Michelangelo. He received his bachelor's degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 1923 and earned his Masters Degree from the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences from the University of Southern California.He was born in 1903 and died at the age of 86 in 1989.
- Prairie Landing Golf Club, 2325 Longest Drive, celebrates its 30th Anniversary in 2025. Each month there is a special event with the grand celebration taking place in June.
The event in February is a Cooking Class with the Executive Chef in the Golf Club. It takes place at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13.The charge is $150 per couple. The class size is limited to ten couples and the deadline for reservations is Friday, Feb. 7, 2025, which can be made by calling 630 208-7641 or email at rlynn@prairiellanding.com. Attendees learn to make ravioli from scratch. The experience includes wine a charcuterie board, Caesar salad, the ravioli, a choice of marinara, Alfredo or vodka sauce, and a dessert of champagne paired with chocolate-covered strawberries.
- Some local eating establishments and businesses have specials for Valentine’s Day.
- Raised Bakery & Cafe, 124 Main St., is now open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday, closed Mondays .Added to the menu are soups, sandwiches and salads.
- Buck Services, Inc is the recipient of a Complaint Free Award from the Better Business Bureau. It is a commercial cleaning and janitorial services business. Services include regular scheduled cleaning, one time cleaning. floor cleaning, commercial carpet cleaning, pre and post event cleaning.
- Joe Buchholz president of Buck Services, Inc. is the co-founder of Trusty Home Care, 401 Industrial Drive. Buchholz explained, “This is in addition to Buck Services. It is a great fit with Buck Services as we are able to continue our platform of Love Serve Care into the home market affording a greater opportunity for individuals to Age in Place, in their own homes…our intentions are to offer an initial assessment of one’s home with the mind set of safety and then offer services, subscription based or a one time need of maintaining any issues or upgrades to their home that are necessary to be more safe at home...grab bars for the bathroom areas for example.” Services include maintenance subscription plans designed to keep a home in tip-top shape and aging in place solutions to transform the home to meet changing needs and solutions for those facing new challenges due to a recent injury or an unexpected event.The toll-free telephone number is 833-Y-TRUSTY, email is hello@trustyhomecare.org. For further information, visit , visit the website, trustyhomecare.org.
- Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of Kenneth Ray " Squirrel" Kiehn, who at the age of 70 passed away Friday, Jan. 24, 2025.
- Deepest sympathy is expressed to the family of Robert Rollo, who at the age of 82 passed away Monday, Jan. 27, 2025.
- Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of Nicolás C. Osorio, who at the age of 72 passed away Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025.
- Deepest sympathy is expressed to the family of Cornelius (Con) J. O’Mahoney, who at the age of 81 passed away Monday, Jan. 27, 2025.
- Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of Joseph Platt, who at the age of 16 passed away Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025.
- Deepest sympathy is expressed to the family of Raymond C. Kotora, who at the age of 85 passed away Friday, Jan. 3, 2025.
- WeGo Boosters Club of West Chicago Community High School holds its next meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025, at Aurelia’s Pizza, 27W101 Geneva Road. The club is a great way to support the Wildcats.com
- West Chicago Community High School seeks nominations for the 2025 Distinguished Alumni Award. The purpose of the program is to recognize West Chicago Community High School graduates whose accomplishments serve as an inspiration for current students to dream and achieve. Nomination deadline is Thursday, May 1, 2025. The nominee must be a graduate of the high school for at least 10 years prior to the nomination, be distinguished by accomplishments in academics, the arts, athletics, business, community service, the environment, human rights, justice, medicine, research or science that reflect outstanding ability and dedication which contributes to the betterment of the community. Also the nominee must be available by telephone, email or in-person interview by the selection committee, willing to participate in the Distinguished Alumni Award Ceremony, willing to submit a photograph and available to interact with WCCHS students in a forum, seminar or assembly. To submit a nomination, visit d94.org/alumni/awards .
Past honorees are 2008, Kirk Johnson, Class of 1998, Human Rights; Class of 2009, Pam Kuhl Davis, Class of 1967, Justice; 2010, Michael Lach, Class of 1986, Education, and Tom Marziani, Class of 1943, Entrepreneurship; Class of 2011,Butch Hansen, Class of 1955, Education, and Scott Dierking, Class of 1973,Athletics; Class of 2014, Beth Barrett, Class of 1986, Visual Arts; 2015, Ray Stejskal, Class of 1982, Community Service; 2016, Chris Voelz, Class of 1966, Athletics; 2018, Bruce Guevara, Class of 2006, Entrepreneurship, and Dr. Don Stockton, Class of 1979, Academic Leadership; 2019, Abe Mashal, Class of 1998, Justice, and Rachel Moguel, Class of 2003, Immigration Law; 2022, Karina Villa, Class of 1996, Public Policy, and Matthew Potts, Class of 1997 Humanitarian; and 2023, Sarah Toney, Class of 1996, Restorative Justice. https://merleburl.com
- Students at Gary School participated in the ribbon cutting for the new book vending machine, provided through WeGoTogether for Kids, which is an addition to the PBIS rewards program. Students receive a gold coin to obtain a book. Gold coins are issued as rewards for hard work and good behavior.
PBIS Rewards is an affordable school-wide PBIS management system that assists schools in their Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support program. The multi-device platform makes it easy to continuously recognize students for meeting behavior expectations from anywhere in the school, not just the classroom. merleburl.com
- Elementary school students in Elgin Area School District U-46will have more classroom time in the 2025-26 school year. Beginning with the first day of school Aug. 11, elementary school days will be extended by 20 minutes.One of the reasons for the change is the district has the shortest school day in the state, which is six hours. The extension provides an additional 100 minutes of per week and approximately 60 hours per week.
- Along with Josh Chambers, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources at Glenbard Township High School District 87, and Ed Piotrowski, Director of Human Resources at Lyons Township High School District 20, Julie Swartzloff, Director of Human Resources at Community High School District 94, recently gave a presentation to human resource professionals. The topic was “A Multi-Faceted Approach to Using AI in the District Office,” Swartzloff said, “With a packed room and great dialogue, we explored how AI can streamline HR operations and empower school districts. Our goal was to leave attendees with actionable strategies and the confidence to implement AI in their own practice.” com
- In the 3A class of the Illinois High School Association Competitive Dance state finals, St. Charles East High School won 5th place.
- In the girls basketball games Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2025, West Chicago Community High School won over Fenton High School with a score of 50-26. In the girls basketball games Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2025, St. Charles East High School won over Park High School with a score of 47-31.In the boys basketball games Thursday, Jan 30, 2025, West Chicago Community High School lost to East Aurora High School with a score of 38-42 and in the girls basketball games, Wheaton Academy won over IC Catholic Prep with a score of 46-33. In the girls basketball games Friday, Jan. 31, 2025, St. Charles East High School won over St. Charles North High School with a score of 53-49 and West Chicago Community High School won over East Aurora High School with a score of 72-41. In the boys basketball games Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025, St. Charles EastHigh School won over Jacobs High School with a score of 50-34.
- West Chicago Community Clothing Closet, operated by St. Michael’s United Church of Christ, is open from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb.8, 2025, in the basement of the Rockwell Building, 108 Sherman St. There is no charge for the clothing and shoes. Each family may choose five articles of clothing per person in their family.The Closet is open the second Saturday of each month. Bagged or boxed clothing donations can be dropped off at the entrance of the Rockwell Building.
- The catechists of St. Mary’s Parish host a Valentine’s Day dinner/talk at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025, at the parish, 140. N. Oakwood Ave. The ticket charge is $25 per person. com
- Dean Klapatch has served as pastor at Glen Arbor Community Church for 15 years.
- West Chicago resident and artist Kathy Steere teaches “How to Draw Nature” at Morton Arboretum, 4100 Route 53 in Lisle. The six week class for persons over the age of 16 meets from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturdays starting Feb. 15 and ending March 22. The charge is $195 for members, $250 for non-members with all supplies included.To register, visit https://mortonarb.org/explore/activities/adult-programs/how-to-draw-nature/. The course is designed for beginners, uses natural materials and covers the basic supplies that new artists will find most useful, the importance of value and lighting, drawing what one sees, an introduction to composition, the color wheel, and other drawing fundamentals.
- Western DuPage Chamber of Commerce offers a trip to Greece starting Saturday, Sept. 20 and ending Sunday, Sept. 28, 2025. The nine day package rate is $3,899. The orientation meeting is Monday, Feb. 10, in the Fox Community Center, 306 Main St. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., meeting starts at 6 p.m. To make a reservation call CEO/President at 630 231-3003. Included in the package is roundtrip International airfare, four-star hotel accommodation, breakfast and lunch, deluxe bus, fluent English-speaking tour guides and entrance fee to attractions. com
- Gallery 200, 103 W. Washington St., holds 2025 winter art classes. To view the classes and to register, visit https://www.gallery200.net/gallery-200-shop. Also there are brochures in the gallery. Classes are beginner friendly; intermediate and advanced artists are welcome. For further information, call 630 639-2599.
- Valentine Make N’ Take classes are at noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb 9. The charge is $15 for the one-hour alcohol ink mini workshop taught by Starla S. Attendees are introduced to the basics of alcohol inks, including the types of inks, surfaces, and tools used. Boxchain Chainmaille bracelet class is at 6 p.m., Monday, Feb. 10, and is taught by Britta R. The charge is $30 for the two-hour class.
- Fused Glass Plant Stake classes are at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb.11, or 6 p.m.Wednesday, Feb. 12. The charge is $45 for the two-hour class, under the instruction of Rita S. Students design and make 3 plant stakes, while learning the basics of glass fusing and design, including cutting glass and using several glass working tools.
- Crimp Necklace class is at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11. The charge is $30. Britta R. teaches attendees how to use crimp beads to make a nice one of a kind necklace .
- Support over Stigma is collecting Valentine’s Day Cards for local veterans. The deadline for mailing is Monday, Feb. 10, 2025. Persons should mail cards to Valentine’s for Veterans, ℅ Support Over Stigma, 2551 Dukane Drive, Suite A1, St. Charles, IL, 60174. com
- The Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6791 hosts Bingo on Sundays at the post, 431 N. Neltnor Boulevard. Doors open at noon, games start at 1:30 p.m.
- In an effort to increase retail and restaurant activity in the heart of West Chicago, the Downtown Retail & Restaurant Business Grant Program is revised. Originally established in 2013, the program h awarded only one grant in its history, which was just recently reimbursed with the opening of Raised Bakery and Cafe, 124 Main St.
The revised program aims to help downtown businesses thrive by offering financial assistance for services that enhance their operations and presence. The grant supports services tied to business development, marketing, and growth, helping new and existing retailers and restauranteurs. It offers several enhancements to make it more impactful for local businesses. In addition to traditional marketing and advertising services, funding is available for expenses such as retail consulting, visual merchandising, online sales platforms, and website development. The approval process is more efficient; a business plan still is required. For further information, Visit the City’s website, https://westchicago.org/ or Kelley Chrisse at 630 818-3331 or email kchrisse@westchicago.org
- During 2024, the Historical Preservation Commission reviewed 22 applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Nineteen COA applications were for building improvements for structures located in the Turner Junction Historic District and seven of those COA applications were for signage. A notable project in the TJHD that started in 2023 and completed in 2024 was the renovation of 200 Main Street, a historically contributing building the TJHD owned by the City. Three COA applications were received for residential properties located in the East Washington Street Historic District. No COA applications were received for any of the existing landmarked properties. All COA applications reviewed in 2024 received approval. The Historical Preservation Commission meets at 6 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of each month. Keith Letsche, is the chairman.
- Jayden Peterson joins his father, West Chicago Police Sergeant Robbi Peterson, in the Super Plunge Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7 and 8, 2025. The “Peterson Polar Pops” jump into the icy water 24 times over a 24 hour period. They are doing this to raise awareness and money on behalf of the Law enforcement Torch run for Special Olympics and Special Olympics Illinois. The team goal is$5,000. To donate and support them, visit https://support.soill.org/team/620600.
- West Chicago Police Detective Sergeant Robbi Peterson represented the WC Police Department at the 2025 Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Illinois Kick-Off Conference. There was recognition of department’s achievements from the previous year and sharing ideas on how to help to do more on behalf of the athletes ant the LETR. The West Chicago Police Department surpassed the $60,000 amount for the first time in its history. The total amount was $60,400. The department also received recognition as the second highest fundraising department with an officer level of 26 to 75 in the state. LETR collectively raised over $5 million dollars on behalf of the amazing athletes. com
- Persons can now drop off Parking and Compliance citations in the drop box located in the vestibule at the West Chicago Police Department, 325 Spencer St. For further information, call the Records Department at 630 293-2222. com
- West Chicago Police Department celebrates the February work anniversaries of its officers. Sergeant Antonio Reyes celebrates 18 years. Celebrating 16 years is Officer Michael Cummings. com
- To welcome its new Seagrave Aerial Scope Tower Ladder, the West Chicago Fire Protection District hosts the traditional push-in ceremony at 8 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025, at District headquarters, 200 Fremont St. The public is invited to attend and enjoy refreshments after the ceremony.
A “push-in ceremony” is a traditional event in the fire service where firefighters ceremoniously push a new fire engine into the fire station, symbolizing its official entry into service and honoring the historical practice of manually pushing horse-drawn fire apparatuses back into the station after calls; it's a way to celebrate the arrival of new equipment while acknowledging the history of firefighting. merleburl.com
- The West Chicago City Museum, founded as the West Chicago Historical Museum in 1975, turns 50 this year. Volunteers are needed for Friends of the Museum Board and its committees, including the Railroad Committee as this year is the 175th Anniversary of the Burlington Route. A board and interest form with the listing and information of committees is available at https://www.facebook.com/FriendsoftheWestChicagoCityMuseum/, email wegohistory@gmail.com or call the Museum at 630 231-3376.
- Several DuPage County Sheriff's Deputies have been nominated for the 2024 Correctional Officer of the Year Award presented by the Illinois Sheriff's Association. They are Deputy Austin Rock, DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick, Deputy Kevin Keith, Deputy William Pagan Jr., Corporal Ralph Kolasa, Deputy Colin Williams, Deputy Joel Torres, Sergeant Jimmel Cutts, and Correctional Chief Mark Garcia. com
- A “Be Historic” video series investigates the Prince Crossing station, located in West Chicago. The Prince Crossing station served as both a flag stop and an electric substation for the Aurora Elgin and Chicago electric interurban, which later became the Chicago Aurora and Elgin railroad. This first video examines the history of the Prince Crossing site and station, from its origins as the Ingalton station, to its present debilitated state, being in imminent danger of demolition. https://youtu.be/rpyHM6DUrX0?si=a-NC6x1UJ2KMfyXu
The Prince Crossing station, 2N 166 Prince Crossing Road, was built in 1903 and was closed in 1957. The station's primary purpose was to act as one of 19 electrical substations strategically located along the railroad. Today, only two of the original six passenger substations survive. They are: Substation No.5, Prince Crossing and substation No.6 Clintonville located in South Elgin.-From 1945 to 1957, students from Wheaton Academy High School used this station to attend school. After abandonment, the station had a variety of interesting tenants. merleburl.com
- NAI Hiffman, a commercial real estate agency in Oakbrook Terrace, recently brokered the sale of a four-acre industrial outdoor storage property at 2351 Powis Road for $4.225 million. Per the press release, “The property includes 11,000 square feet of shop/fabrication space in two buildings, a paved, fenced concrete yard, and mobile office trailer. A truck scale is also on-site.” The property was constructed in 1993 and is zoned for office, research and light industrial uses.
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