The City’s contractor, A Lamp Concrete Contractor, Inc., is conducting construction work along Conde Street from Joliet Street to Neltnor Boulevard (IL-59).
During construction, traffic may be stopped for short durations, but there are no scheduled detours or significant traffic impacts. Access to driveway and roadways is anticipated to be maintained through the entirety of the project.
Construction activities are scheduled for Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Project is anticipated to be substantially complete by September 2024.
Residents seeking reasonable accessibility accommodations during construction, may contact Brandt Zentner, Resident Engineer, at (630) 918-4058 or bzentner@gocos.net. All general inquiries may be directed to Dave Shah, Assistant Director of Public Works, at (630) 293-2255, or dshah@westchicago.org.
View more information about this Capital Improvement Project and view other capital improvement projects on the City of West Chicago’s Public Works Department webpage.