Please note: This content was updated on Friday, February 7 to provide the results from the written public comment period.
A public hearing was held during the regular City Council meeting on Monday, January 20. The original Public Hearing Notice was published on Monday, January 6 in the Daily Herald.
The City is seeking a long-term loan, with an estimated interest rate of 0%, from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (IEPA) Public Water Supply Loan Program to replace existing lead service lines with new copper lines. The total estimated project cost is $14.4 million.
Prior to final approval of the project plan and funding, the public's comments are sought regarding the environmental impacts of the proposed project. For those who were unable to attend the public hearing, written comments could be submitted by Friday, January 31.
The written public comment period yielded the following questions:
- Can you confirm that, should replacement be necessary at a residential property, there will be ZERO COST to the homeowner?
- All work performed by a Contractor for replacement of the service line as part of this project will be at no cost to the homeowner.
- Please define GRR. I don't see a definition on either the inventory map or within the plan. Does GRR line require replacement?
- The definition of a galvanized service line requiring replacement (GRR) is a galvanized service line that is or was at any time downstream of a lead service line (LSL) or is currently downstream of an unknown lead status service line. Service lines identified as GRR must be replaced. Replacement of a GRR will follow the same procedure as a lead service line replacement. All work performed by a Contractor for replacement of the service line as part of this project will be at no cost to the homeowner.
The Preliminary Environmental Impacts Determination document provided by the IEPA along with the Lead Service Line Project Summary and the City's Lead Service Line Replacement Plan are available below.
- Lead Service Line Replacement Project Summary and Preliminary Environmental Impacts Determination
- Lead Service Line Replacement Project Summary and Preliminary Environmental Impacts Determination – Loan Application Letter
- City of West Chicago Lead Service Line Replacement Plan (ENG)
- City of West Chicago Lead Service Line Replacement Plan (SPN)
- City of West Chicago Lead Service Line Inventory (2024)
These documents are also available for review at the City of West Chicago Water Treatment Plant, located at 1400 West Hawthorne Lane, during normal business hours from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
How to Provide Written Public Comments
Written comments can be submitted by Friday, January 31 to the following addresses:
City of West Chicago
Attn: Executive Office Manager
475 Main Street
West Chicago, Illinois 60185
Illinois EPA, Infrastructure Financial Assistance Section
Attn: Brandon Huffman, Project Manager
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276
Additionally, the City has provided an option for written comments to be submitted digitally through the City’s website. To use this option, please enter your comment below and click submit. All entries are anonymous unless contact information is provided, which is not required.