- West Chicago Detective Sergeant Robbi Peterson was one of the 86 participants worldwide to carry the Flame of Hope in the final leg of the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the 2025 Special Olympics Winter World Games March 8 to 15 in Turin, Italy. Eight Special Olympics athletes accompanied the teams on the final leg. At each of the stops an athlete and a member of one of the LETR teams spoke about the impact of LETR and Special Olympics. The crowds at all the stops were enthusiastic. “’We witnessed a country embrace Special Olympics, the Law Enforcement Torch Run and our Final Leg teams with open arms. With every stop, the crowds get bigger. Our message of inclusion and acceptance is being heard and celebrated!”
The first run to Baredo was electrifying, “The energy was undeniable” The second stop was Pragelato ,the Nordic skiing location at the Special Olympics World Winter Games. The teams started the next day with a run from Monument. Again the next stop had a welcoming crowd, greeting the runners with cheers, cowbells and high fives. “The day wouldn’t be complete without the entire crowd hJoining us dancing in the streets to YMCA. To say we have started to spread the message of inclusion does not seem to truly define the message we are delivering. A message of hope, acceptance and the promise to inclusion seems to be more appropriate.”
Sunday, the team was in the town celebrating its annual Chocolate Festival. Monday included a stop in village of Sestriere, which is the host for the alpine sports of the 2025 Special Olympic Winter Games. Nova and Vercelli were the next locations, “Today was a day filled with great pride as it was Team 3’s opportunity to lead the Final Leg during our time in Vercelli. I can’t describe what it meant to me to be running stride for stride, shoulder to shoulder with our amazing Final Leg athletes, holding the Flame of Hope while leading 86 law enforcement officers from around the world through the streets of Vercelli…I am proud to represent the Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Illinois, the West Chicago Police Department and my hometown of Granite Falls, MN. ” Verbania not only was “ the most beautiful city we have visited thus far, but the people who were there to welcome the Flame of Hope were filled with excitement and encouraged us along our 2+ mile run.”
- The top 7 Final Leg Torch Runners are assigned to an athlete participating in the Special Olympics Winter World Games and carry the Flame of Hope on the final circuit around the stadium at the opening ceremony. Peterson’s fundraising goal was $25,000, with all proceeds benefitting Special Olympics. His donation totaled $18,869. “I finished second out of my 86 teammates with funds raised on behalf of the Final Leg and the 2025 Special Olympic Winter World Games. Due to your generous contributions, I will be up front during the opening ceremony along with my Final Leg teammate, Jason Christopher. ”(He was number 1). https://merleburl.com
“The athletes were the stars Saturday. March 8, at Inalpi Arena in Turin.The Final Leg, a team of 86 officers from 19 countries, 8 amazing Special Olympics athletes, and our superb logistics team who kept us moving forward, came together 2 weeks ago as individual law enforcement officers from many different backgrounds. For some, this was their first experience on the Final Leg like me. For others, they returned as team leaders or torch runners. Regardless of where we all came from, we were all here for the same reason. To continue to spread the word of acceptance and inclusion throughout northern Italy and to make sure the Flame of Hope made it to the opening ceremony. Tonight, we accomplished that mission and I believe our message was heard and received throughout this beautiful country. Each village or city we visited welcomed us with open arms, full of excitement and encouragement. I witnessed people coming together for a common purpose. The Final Leg is more than just a run, it’s the springboard to establishing and sustaining the LETR programs in country’s that do not have a strong following so that they too can continue to assist and support the programs of Special Olympics. This Final Leg saw 5 Italian officers placed on teams, one on my team, who had little to no knowledge of what the LETR was all about. After these last couple weeks, I have no doubt they understand now and that they will continue to develop the LETR and torch run into their communities. Today we put on our uniforms and became Guardians of the Flame once again as the running was done. It was time to deliver the Flame of Hope to the athletes so that they could begin to fulfill their dreams of competing in the 2025 Special Olympic Winter World Games and boy did we deliver. It was truly an incredible and inspiring experience I will never forget. At the end of this experience, the 106 total individuals came together to become one family. A family that bonded quickly. A family that saw its share of injuries and sickness. A family that hurt together when learning of the passing of two of his fellow brothers who had been killed on duty the day prior to leaving. We started together, we finished together. We will always be one family!” https://merleburl.com
As a side note, West Chicago Detective Sergeant Robbi Peterson did a wonderful job representing Special Olympics, LETR and our community in his once of a lifetime experience. Persons who might never have learned or heard about West Chicago, Illinois, now know about our community.
West Chicago Public Library holds a Microsoft Word computer class at 6:30 p.m.Thursday, March 13, 2025, in the conference room, 118 W. Washington St. Participants learn the basics, which includes creating a document, selecting and editing text, saving a document, and inserting page numbers and special characters. To register, visit https://wcpld.librarycalendar.com/events/month.
“A Tour of National Parks” is the West Chicago Public Library program at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 13, 2025, in the main meeting room, 118 W. Washington St. Presenting the program is award-winning author Theresa L. Goodrich. Highlighting the ecological diversity, she presents a brief history and tour of Badlands National Park, Glacier National Park,Joshua Tree National Park, Yellowstone National Park and Zion National Park. To make a reservation, visit https://wcpld.librarycalendar.com/events/month.
Goodrich is the founder and publisher of “The Local Tourist” and “Your Chicago Guide” and author of the Two Lane Gems book series,“Living Landmarks of Chicago”, and contributor to Midwest Road Trip Adventures. She’s a featured speaker for the Travel and Adventure Show and teaches the Midwest Travel Network Writer’s Workshop.
- To celebrate the annual Theatre In Our Schools Month, WeGo Drama of WestChicago Community High School presents the Illinois High School Association Drama Showcase. Performances are at 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday, March 13 and 14, 2025, in the Auditorium, 326 Joliet St. Ticket price suggestion is a $10 donation.
The showcase includes a 40-minute play, a five-minute short film, and a 30-minute group interpretation. With the drama club’s theme of “Love Theater, the live shows deal with the love of friends, family, and one’s community. IHSA shows do deal with serious content and therefore are intended for teens and adults.
Members of the cast and crew are Ava Bloniarz, William Wenberg; Antwan Angeles, Brianna Carrasco, Tyler Benton, Liliana Bonilla, Charlotte Conger, Wil Cooper, Jordin Crudup, Danais Gomez-Garcia, Hailey Gutierrez and Matthew Krysinski. https://merleburl.com
Others are Ramiah McElroy, Elisa O’Brien, Alejandra Rocha, Oliver Ruiz, Gabriel Valenzuela, Ja’Nyah Villa, Mary Wagner, and Dayan Zenteno; Bo Dragosh, Caiden McDougall, and Mariah Varnado. Directing the production is Mark Begovich with Nicole Stadler; Technical Direction is by Christopher Jensen; and Hair and Make-up by Jaime Elsa. The film director is Ava Bloniarz. https://merleburl.com
- The West Chicago Public Library Gettin’ Crafty program, “Intro to Embroidery” is at 7 p.m.Wednesday, March 19, 2025, in the main meeting room, 118 W. Washington St. To register, visit https://wcpld.librarycalendar.com/events/month. With a spring plant design, patrons, either new comers to the craft or seasoned stitchers, use an embroidery kit, which is supplied. To get everyone started, beginning embroidery skills are demonstrated and then participants take the kit home to finish. https://merleburl.com
- West Chicago City Museum presents the Historiography program, a non-fiction book reading group, at 1 p.m.Thursday, March 20, 2025, in the Museum, 132 Main St. The book is “The Shipwrecks of the Great Lakes:Tragedies and Legacies from the Inland Seas ”by Anna Lardinois. To get a copy of the book or for further information, visit Friends of West Chicago City Museum website, com or call 630 231-3376. It is not necessary to read the book to attend.
Per Goodreads: “The newest addition to Globe Pequot's Shipwrecks series covers the sensational wrecks and maritime disasters from each of the five Great Lakes. It is estimated that more than 30,000 sailors lost their lives in Great Lakes wrecks…The tales, all true and well-documented, feature some of the most notable tragedies on each of the lakes. Included in many of these tales are legends of ghost ship sighting, ghostly shipwreck victims still struggling to get to shore, and other chilling lore. Sailors are a superstitious group, and the stories are sprinkled with omens and maritime protocols that guide decisions made on the water.”
Lardinois is the author of 13 books. She owns Gothic Milwaukee, offering the city’s most popular haunted, historical walking tours. She also is the creator of Walking Milwaukee.a collection of self-guided tours that explore the history and architecture of the city. https://merleburl.com
- Hawthorne’s Backyard Bar & Grill, 1200 W. Hawthorne Lane, celebrates St. Patrick’s Day with live music entertainment, RadiO-M-G from 8 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday, March 15, 2025. Many eating establishments have specials for St. Patrick’s Day. https://merleburl.com
- Dan Czuba, Designated Managing Broker/Owner Daniel and Associates Real Estate, is the recipient of 2024 Mainstreet REALTORS® Award in two categories. He is in the top two percent of individual transactions and the top one percent individual volume of small teams. “Working candidly with your brokers directly correlates with their success through the leadership of you, their managing broker.” The organization states the awards show the winners have a “Steadfast commitment to the real estate industry and the REALTOR® trademark signify a relentless dedication to their desire for continued excellence.” There are more than 19,000 realtors in the organization.
- We Grow Dreams Greenhouse and Garden Center had a successful Bowl-A-Thon fundraiser, netting more than $22,500. More than 110 bowlers, their families and friends enjoyed the bowling, food, raffle prizes and silent auction. The funds raised support its program of job training and employment of young adults with disabilities across the western suburbs, plus repair and replacement of the severely aging structures.The big slate spring project is a new roof over its retail area.
- Sincere sympathy is extended to the family ofAlicia Munoz, who at the age of 76 passed away Monday, March 3, 2025.
- Deepest sympathy is expressed to the family of Juanita Kay Welch, who at the age of 82 passed away Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025.
- Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of William Henry “Bill” Davis, who at the age of 86 passed away Monday, March 3, 2025.
- Deepest sympathy is expressed to the family of John Henry Schmitz, who at the age of 94 passed away Monday, March 3, 2025.
- Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of Karen Rose Kelton, who at the age of 73 passed away Friday, Feb. 21, 2025.
- Deepest sympathy is expressed to the family of Bonnie Jean Archbold, who at the age of 91 passed away Saturday, March 1, 2025.
- WeGo Boosters Club hosts its annual Spaghetti Dinner from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 20, 2025, in the Commons oat West Chicago Community High School, 326 Joliet St., Entrance H. The $8 charge includes spaghetti, salad and dessert. Tickets are available at the door. The meal is for dine-in or takeout. Proceeds benefit WCCHS athletics and clubs.
- The annual Blue & White Scrimmage of West Chicago Community High School is Friday, March 20, 2025, in Bishop Gym, 326 Joliet St. Warm-ups are from 5:30 to 5:45 p.m., Freshman vs JV is 5:45 to 6:15 p.m., JV vs Varsityis 6:25 to 7 p.m., and Varsity vs Alumni is 7 to 7:45 p.m. https://merleburl.com
- Chasen Kazmerizak, a student at Wheaton Academy, won a Fourth Place finish at the Illinois High School Association State Wrestling Finals. He competed in the 157 pounds weight class. https://merleburl.com
- Hayden Schroeder, a sophomore at Wheaton Academy, scored his 1,000th point last week. His sister Abby accomplished this milestone earlier in the season. They are the first brother and sister combo to achieve this feat at the school. https://merleburl.com
- Business Professionals of America hosted its annual State Leadership Conference in Oak Brook, ending Thursday, March 1, 2025. There were 1,200 high school competitors to showcase their skills in various business and technology-related events. Business Professionals of America is a national organization that prepares students for careers in business, finance, information technology, and other related fields through competitive events, leadership development, and networking opportunities.
BPA of West Chicago Community High School had 23 members competing in a range of events. Several members had exceptional performances, earning invitations to the National Leadership Conference taking place in May in Orlando, Florida. The students are Manuel Figueroa, Sixth Place, Digital Media Production; Daniel Szacilowski, Fourth Place, Advanced Spreadsheet Applications and Device Configuration & Troubleshooting; and Economic Research Team members Brian Nguyen, Ryan Slattery, Dirk Ulbrich, and Benjamin Plumlee, First Place. Mia Wirth, Business Education teacher, is the BPA advisor. https://merleburl.com
- In the “Movie, “Singing in the Rain,’when Gene Kelly sings the title song, the rain pours down. The same thing occurred in Wheaton Academy’s recent production. Here are some interesting facts of how the rain shower takes place on stage. Ninety to 100 gallons of water were used per performance. The water drained through hidden seams in the decking and actually flowed upward. After being pumped 20 feet in the air, the water exited out of eighth inch holes, shooting up so that it broke into droplets on the way down, mocking the look of real rain. The rain is made visible by strategic lighting. A dedicated team of students operated three fans, two shop-vacs, and twelve mops to get the stage dry again. The fastest clean up time was 15 minutes. As a side note: When I saw this 16 years ago at the academy, the rain scene was awesome. https://merleburl.com
- New Hope United Methodist Church, 643 W. Washington St., hosts a Life Line Screening Tuesday, March 18, 2025. Appointments start at 9 a.m. To make an appointment, call 888 814-0456 and use Code HSCA001. Included in the $159 charge are five screenings. https://merleburl.com
- West Chicago residents Mike Fortner and Becky Hall, members of Acappellago, perform in two spring concerts, “Escape…Broadway Incognito.” One is at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 15, 2025, in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 350 E Madison St. in Lombard, and the second one at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 16, in the Congregational Church of Batavia, 21 S Batavia Ave. The songs are Broadway songs that many know by heart, but do not know they came from a Broadway show.The ticket price is $20, $17 for senior citizens and $15 for students . To order tickets, visit https://acappellago.org/. Acappellago, founded in 2002, is a volunteer a cappella choir that has fun singing all around the western suburbs of Chicago.
- Former West Chicago resident and author of “Secret Lives” Susan Wells is one of the 35 plus local authors participating in the Book Fair & Brew event from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, March 23 in Batavia. The event takes place in two locations, Sturdy Shelter Brewing and Hearth and Hammer, which are in walking distance of each other,-a three-minute walk.. Beer is served at both. Sturdy Shelter Brewing, 10 S. Shumway Ave., is located by the Fox River and serves a wide variety of highly crafted beers in its taproom. Hearth & Hammer, 160 First St., is .a brick & mortar general store, literary candle studio and workshop and community space. Its candle scents are inspired by literature. https://merleburl.com
- West Chicago Rotary Club and West Chicago Lions Club host their annual Pancake Breakfast from 8 a.m. to noon Sunday, March 23, 2025, in the Commons at West Chicago Community High School, 326 Joliet St., Entrance H. The ticket charge for the fundraiser is $8, $6 for seniors citizens-65 and older and children ages 3 to 12, no charge for children age two and under. Other activities include entertainment by The Ballet Folklorico D33, raffles and free vision and hearing testing by the Lions Club Mobile Screening Unit. https://merleburl.com
- Through Friday, April 11, 2025, Mexican Cultural Center DuPage has a new exhibit, Stitches” in its gallery at Gallery 200, 103 W Washington St. It features the quilted artwork of Carina Yepez; Gustavo Herrera is the curator. Hours are noon to 6 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and noon to 4 p.m Sunday.
Yepez is aChicago, native with family roots in Guanajuato, Mexico. She is an educator and artist. “She is passionate about exploring the traditions of matriarchy and the interconnected stories of Chicago immigrants through quilting. By using sewing as her medium, she delves into the techniques of domesticity and expresses her family's stories with a focus on healing ancestral trauma. Her work sparks conversations about the intersection of craft and fine art through sewing and appliqué layering, honoring her culture through floral motifs in her quilts and photographic weavings.” Her artwork has been on display in many different venues, such as Circle Contemporary, National Museum of Mexican Art, Beverly Shore Museum and Depot WeinbergNewton Gallery, Arts of Life’s Circle Contemporary; andPacific Northwest Quilt and Fiber Arts Museum. She also teaches art classes. https://merleburl.com
- West Chicago City Museum started a new series, “Museum Monday.” The March 10, 2025, series highlights the Registration Department, which is responsible for keeping meticulous records of the museum’s collection. Key responsibilities are Cataloging and Documentation, Accessioning New Items, Managing Loans, Condition Reporting and Inventory Control, For further information, visit https://www.facebook.com/FriendsoftheWestChicagoCityMuseum/. https://merleburl.com
- With the frequencies of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, the West Chicago Police Department is teaming up with the Illinois State Police and Illinois Department of Transportation for a stepped-up traffic safety campaign .In addition to looking for alcohol and cannabis- impaired drivers, the the Police will be stepping up seat belt enforcement, particularly at night when seat belt usage rates are lowest. Speeding, distracted driving and all traffic laws will be strictly enforced. The St. Patrick's Day enforcement campaign is funded by federal traffic safety funds from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and administered by IDOT.
- West Chicago Police Department celebrates the March work anniversaries of its officers. Sergeant Ryan Perry celebrates 28 years. Celebrating 26 years is Deputy Chef Anthony Cargola. Sergeant Jonathan Jones celebrates 13 years. K9 Officer Justin Rigler celebrates seven years. Celebrating four years is Officer Adam Jacobs. Officer Steve Castro celebrates three years. https://merleburl.com
- Brandi Moore is the new member of the West Chicago Fire Protection District Board of Trustees. She was sworn inThursday Feb. 27, 2025. The other trustees are Mashal, Perry Johnson Michael Cabrera and Ruben Campos. https://merleburl.com
- The American Red Cross is coming to West Chicago as part of its “Sound the Alarm, Save a Life” program. Their volunteers, firemen and other partners are installing free smoke detectors from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.Saturday, March 29, 2025. These installations are by appointment only. To register, visit https://tinyurl.com/WestChicagoAlarms. For assistance call 312 890-2790. Working smoke alarms can cut the risk of death from home fires in half. https://merleburl.com
- 2025 marks the 30th Anniversary of Turtle Splash Water Park, formerly Prairie Oaks Family Aquatic Center. West Chicago Park District plans to celebrate with activities, events and special surprises. The first activity is a Throwback Photo contest. Photo submissions are accepted through Monday, April 14. To submit photos, visit https://forms.gle/cydu3j9w5wj76QYZA. For further information, email Danielle Spence at dspence@we- goparks.org.
To enter, persons submit a favorite photo taken at the water park from 1995 through 2024. Each participant receives one entry into a random drawing for five daily admissions to Turtle Splash Water Park, a $75 value. The winner is announced Friday, April 25.
- The Consolidated Election takes place Tuesday, April 1, 2025. The election is for elected officials of cities, libraries, parks, schools and townships. Early voting starts Monday, March 17, 2025. Locations near West Chicago are West Chicago Voting Center , 157 W. Washington St.;and DuPage County Fairgrounds, 2015 Manchester Road, Building 5. Hours are 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The League of Women Voters of Wheaton holds forums for elected offices with competition. In non-partisan moderated Candidate Forums, candidates give short opening statements, answer questions submitted by the audience, and end with closing statements. There are limitations on candidate's participation in a forum when their opponent does not accept an invitation to participate. Most are recorded and appear on the League’s website, https://my.lwv.org/illinois/wheaton/calendar/meet-greet.
On the ballot for mayor are Ruben Pineda, Joseph Sheehan and Daniel Bovey In the aldermanic race, there are seven openings; persons vote for one. In Ward 1, candidates are Lori Chassee and Julieta Alcantar-Garcia; In ward 2, Heather Brown is the candidates; In Ward 3, candidates are Donna Marie Santiago, Denise Carreto-Muñoz and Christine A. Dettmann; Sandy Dimas is the candidate in Ward 4; Christopher Swiatek is the candidate is Ward 5; In Ward 6 candidates are Jeanne M. Short andCarlos Avina Soto; and in Ward 7, candidates are John F. Banas, Mirza I. Baig and Matthew Myers.The forum for the West Chicago Public Library and West Chicago City Council is from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, in the Commons at West Chicago Community High School 326 Joliet St., Entrance H.
On the West Chicago Public Library District Board of Trustees there are three positions open. On the ballot are Michael Wonderly, Laura Finch, Sufiyan Mohammed and Aimee Cavataio.
The forum for the West Chicago Public Library and West Chicago City Council is from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, in the Commons at West Chicago Community High School 326 Joliet St., Entrance H.
West Chicago Park District Board of Commissioners has two six-year term positions and on the ballot are Mathieu Enrico Gadbois Plumlee and Kathleen Uplegger Riendeau. Don Voelz is on the ballot for the one unexpired four-year term position , and Frank Lenertz is on the ballot for the two-year term position.
West Chicago Elementary School District 33 Board of Education, there are four position open. On the ballot are Molly Denton, Sandra Garcia, Morgan Banasiak, and Chad M. McLean.
Community High School District 94 Board of Education has four positions open. On the ballot are Catalina Chavez, Rich A. Nagel, Katherine M. Doremus, Tammie Murphy, and Gary R. Saake. West Chicago Community High School student held the candidates Forum Tuesday, March 11; the format was similar to the LWVW format. The recording can be found on the League’s website and the school website, www.d94.org.
In Benjamin School District 25, the candidate for the unexpired two-year term is Vincent Engstrom. There are four positions open for the four-year term. Candidates are Dennis H. Peterson, Eric Rogers, Andrew Drinnin, Michael Szajda and Donald 'Papa Don' Sutenbach. The LWVW forum for District 25 and District 93 is at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 20, at School District 93 offices, 230 Covington Drive, Door 3, in Bloomingdale.
Candidates for the three four-year terms in School District U-46 are Melissa Owens, Dawn M. Martin , and Veronica Noland.
In St. Charles Community Unit School District 303, there are tour positions open for the four-year term. Candidates are Jenna Hancock, Aaron White, Heidi J. Fairgrieve, Elias Palacios, Kimberly Rich, Thomas Lentz, Antonietta Berton- Nicklaus and Katherine (Kate) Bell.
In College of DuPage District 502, the candidate for the trustee unexpired two-year term is Sahin "Sonny" Jutla. Candidates for the two trustee six-year terms are Thomas Tumminaro and Maria Sinkule.
In Elgin Community College District 509, there are two trustee positions open for the six-year term. Candidates are Shane Nowak, Melissa Barbosa-Guzman, and James George Allen, Jr.
In Winfield Township Supervisor candidates are Nicole Prater-R, and Sheila Rutledge-D. Clerk, candidates are Amanda Augustynwicz-R, and Cynthia "Cyd" Paulsen-D. On the ballot for Assessor are Mark Malay-R, and Shawn Patrick Hacker-D. Candidate for Township Highway Commissioner is John S. Dusza-R. Republican candidates for Trustee are Edward "Ed" Franckowiak, Carolyn Polos, Dave Clark and Dale Boyd .Democrat candidates for Trustee are Rebecca Holmes, David Brummel, Kristen “Kiki" Djonne and Jennifer Scarpace. The Candidate Forum for the Winfield Township races take place from 12:30 to 5 p.m.Sunday, March 16, via Zoom 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. Registration is required and the attendees receive a separate link to each forum 48 hours before the event. The schedule is Supervisor from12:30-1:15 p.m.,Clerk from
1:30-2:15 p.m., Assessor from 2:30-3:15 p.m. Township Trustees from 3:30-5 p.m.
- In Wayne Township, Randy Ramey-R is the candidate for Supervisor, Brandi Fike Ramundo-R is the candidate for Clerk, Michael E. Musson is the candidate for Assessor, Martin McManamon-D and Al Murphy-R are candidates for Highway Commissioner. Republican Candidates for Trustee are William "Bump" Waghorne, Paige Parent, Michelle D. Bowen and Angela Campobass The Democrat candidate for Trustee is Christianne Marie Lewis. https://merleburl.com
My email address is merleburl@earthlink.net.