This website is provided as an information source for public use. The City of West Chicago strives to maintain the integrity of this site and to present information which is accurate and timely. The information is subject to periodic updates, revisions, deletions and additions without prior notice. Material provided at this site is gathered from many sources. The City of West Chicago is not responsible for errors or omissions contained in the information, and makes no representations as to the accuracy of the information.
The material at this site is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied on in lieu of professional advice.
Where an official printed document differs from text which may be provided at this site, the official printed document takes precedence.
The Freedom of Information Act provides that all messages received by the City of West Chicago at this site become public records subject to disclosure under the Act. Users who communicate through this site are advised that all communications are public information and cannot be held in confidence. Furthermore, in accordance with its internal policies, the City of West Chicago may periodically monitor communications at this site.
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