Resident Programs
The City of West Chicago and its partners offer multiple programs to assist its residents in maintaining and protecting their property, as well as programs to educate them on ways they can assist other community members in case of an emergency or to provide insights into the work of first-responders. The City will post updates on each of these Programs on its communications platforms as information is available, but residents are encouraged to review the following Programs listed on this webpage for a better understanding of each Program.
Seasonal Programs
- Brush Collection Program
- Bulk Item Collection Event
- Summer Lawn Sprinkler Restriction Program
- Free Leaf Collection Program
- Rain Barrel Program
Property Protection Programs
- Vacation Watch Program
- Key Box Program
- Smoke Detector Assistance Program
- Address Sign Program
- Bicycle Registration Program
Community Education Programs
Seasonal Programs
Brush Collection Program
The City of West Chicago manages the Brush Collection Program, which is available to incorporated residents and runs through the first week of each month from May through November.
The 2025 Brush Collection Program dates have yet to be announced.
As part of the program, brush collection crews make a single pass on each residential street to collect brush placed on the parkway by the curb. Brush collection does not coincide with regular residential garbage pickup days, and is typically completed within five business days. Residents may place brush out up to two days prior to the first collection date; placing brush earlier than this may result in a fine.
Branches and limbs must be no larger than 8-inches in diameter and stacked neatly on the parkway with cut ends facings towards the street; do not place brush in the street. Brush piles may not be picked up if they are not accessible, placed in container or tied in a bundle, or piles contain logs, large limbs, stumps, or foreign material. If brush is not picked up, crews will leave a notice explaining why the pile was rejected. Brush piles placed after crews have passed, or piles that have been rejected, must be removed until the next collection period.
Questions about the Brush Collection Program should be directed to the City of West Chicago at (630) 293-2250.
Bulk Item Collection Event
The City's waste hauling service provider, Groot, manages the annual Bulk Item Collection Event, which is typically scheduled the first week of May for incorporated residents and customers of Groot.
During the Event, residents may place unlimited acceptable bulk items for pickup on their regular garbage days by affixing a eight universal stickers on the pile of acceptable items.
Acceptable Items
Examples of Acceptable Items include, but are not limited to: garage and attic clean-out debris; barbecue grills; bicycles; carpeting, if rolled into sections not exceeding four feet in length and not weighing more than 50 pounds per roll; household construction materials (e.g., lumber, drywall, plywood, doors) if bundled or placed within 33-gallon refuse containers and/or not weighing more than 50 pounds; furniture; box springs and mattresses; and household fixtures, excluding electronics.
Unacceptable Items
Examples of Unacceptable Items include, but not limited to: hazardous waste; tires; automotive parts, fluids and batteries (e.g., oil, transmission fluid, windshield washing fluid, starters, brake shoes, etc.); household batteries; oil-based paint; pesticides; and propane tanks, and large household appliances (refrigerators, washers, dryers, stoves, dishwashers). Small household appliances (e.g., toasters, televisions, microwaves, computers, monitors, speakers, stereo equipment) are no longer acceptable items as they are now banned from Illinois landfills from all sources under penalty of law.
For more information about the Event, including questions about acceptable items, please visit
Summer Lawn Sprinkler Restriction Program
The City's Public Work Department manages the Summer Lawn Sprinkler Restriction Program.
The Program annually begins on May 15 and ends on September 15.
As part of the Program, and to ensure sustainable and economical usage of water during the warmer season, the outside use of unattended running water from a hose or sprinkling system, for the purpose of watering or sprinkling of lawns and gardens, is limited to the following:
- Odd-numbered Street Addresses: Only on the days of the month having an odd number.
- Even-numbered Street Addresses: Only on the days of the month having an even number.
The watering of sod and/or newly seeded lawns is permitted for a two-week period following an authorization by the Water Utility Superintendent. Please note, in the event of a water supply emergency, the City may request a City wide lawn or garden sprinkling restriction. Additionally, the City offers the option of purchasing a sprinkler meter that records outdoor water usage for homeowners that incur high water bills during warmer months. Visit the City's water and sewer utility page for more information.
Contact the West Chicago Public Works Department through the non-emergency contact information for more details about the Program.
Free Leaf Collection Program
The City's waste hauling service provider, Groot, manages a Spring and Fall Free Leaf Collection Program. During this time, leaves will be collected at no charge on residents’ regularly scheduled garbage collection dates. Fall collection is for (5) weeks beginning the last week in October through the end of November; and spring collection is the first (2) weeks in April of each year.
The 2024 Free Leaf Collection Program has been extended through Friday, December 13, 2024.
No universal stickers are required during this period, but leaves must be placed in brown lawn refuse bags that do not exceed 50-pounds then set within the parkway for collection. No other yard waste may be mixed in with leaves, and leaves placed in plastic bags or cardboard boxes will not be collected.
For more information about the Program please visit
Rain Barrel Program
The City organizes an annual Rain Barrel Sale in conjunction with The Conservation Foundation that typically runs from the first week of March through the last week of May.
During this time, residents can order rain barrels online through the UpCycle Products website at a reduced cost. Orders can be picked up at the City's annual Paper Shredding event, which is typically held the first Saturday in June, or they can have them delivered to their homes.
All available rain barrel options are repurposed, industrial-sized food containers that would otherwise be shredded and possibly sent to a landfill. The tops are screened for safety, with a spigot and overflow pre-installed on the barrels. Barrels hold 50-60 gallons and come in multiple colors.
For more information, or to purchase a rain barrel, visit the UpCycle Products webpage at during the Program dates.
Property Protection Programs
Vacation Watch Program
The Vacation Watch Program is managed by the City's Police Department. The Program offers residential security checks for vacationing or hospitalized residents of single-family homes or duplexes. Homes for sale are not eligible for this program.
As part of the Program, uniformed members of the West Chicago Police Department periodically check registered homes during the homeowner’s absence. During the security check of a residence, the members of the Department conduct a foot patrol on the property to insure the home is secured and that windows and doors are locked and undamaged. A careful log is kept of what activity is conducted on the property while the resident is away.
If, by chance, a burglary occurs at the residence, the individual who the homeowner has specified as an emergency contact will be notified.
Residents can sign up for this program online, or may contact the West Chicago Police Department through the non-emergency contact information.
Please note: The West Chicago Police Department will make every effort to check residences while homeowners are away as part of the Program, but is unable to guarantee that checks will be done on a daily basis. Residents are encouraged to always take all necessary safety precautions to safeguard their homes, which includes enlisting the assistance of friends and neighbors to also check on their homes while away.
Bicycle Registration Program
The Bicycle Registration Program is managed by the City's Police Department. The Program offers residents an opportunity to register their property with the West Chicago Police Department to ensure if a bicycle is lost or potentially stolen.
As part of the Program, the West Chicago Police Department will register necessary information (make, model, colors, etc.) for the bicycle provided by the property owner. This information will be entered into the law enforcement database, eliminating the need to find paperwork, serial numbers, or other details should a bicycle go missing. If a bicycle is located, the owner can quickly be located from the registration sticker number, thus allowing for a speedy return of the property to the owner.
Residents can sign up for this program online, or may contact the West Chicago Police Department through the non-emergency contact information.
Smoke Detector Installation Assistance Program
The Smoke Detector Installation Assistance Program is managed by the West Chicago Fire Protection District. The Program provides smoke detector installation assistance to residents on a scheduled basis. The District may also provide smoke detectors to low income and/or senior residents free of charge.
For more information about the Program, please contact the West Chicago Fire Protection District at (630) 231-2123.
Key Box Program
The Key Box Program is managed by the West Chicago Fire Protection District. The Program utilizes the Knox Box Residential System that allows first responders to immediately access a residence during an emergency situation.
The Knox Box Residential System is utilized by fire and law enforcement agencies throughout the country to provide first responders with immediate access to secure buildings and residences through the basic installation of a specific lock box with an access key available to attending first responders. By having the system installed, first responders can gain access to a residence without using forced entry methods, minimizing property damage and potential injuries, and providing rapid access to a person in need of assistance. For more information about Residential Knox Boxes, visit
Additionally, as part of the Program, the District maintains a limited number of boxes available for loan to eligible low-income senior residents.
For more information on purchasing a box or the Box Loan Program eligibility requirements, please contact the West Chicago Fire Protection District at (630) 231-2123.
Address Sign Program
The Address Sign Program is managed by the West Chicago Fire Protection District. The Program offers Fire Protection District residents an opportunity to have a reflective address sign installed in a location visible from the street to ensure prompt service in case of an emergency
For more information about the Program, please contact the West Chicago Fire Protection District at (630) 231-2123.
Community Education Programs
Neighborhood Watch Program
The Neighborhood Watch Program is managed by the City's Police Department. The Program enlists the active participation of residents in the community to work in cooperation with the West Chicago Police Department to reduce crime in their neighborhoods. Neighborhood Watch members will have opportunities to attend meetings conducted by the Department to learn about the latest crime prevention techniques, tools, and trends in crime.
Residents interested in starting a watch in their area or wishing to join an established watch area may contact the West Chicago Police Department through the non-emergency contact information.
Cadet Program
The Cadet Program is managed by the City's Police Department. The Program offers younger individuals insight into the field of law enforcement.
The 2024 enrollment period will be announced on the City's communications platforms when available.
As part of the Program, the participants receive in depth, first hand experience in all things police related. Possible training topics include: traffic stops, first aid, use of force, crime scene investigation, special operations.
To be eligible for the Program, individuals must have completed 8th grade, be under the age of 21, and must live within West Chicago or a neighboring community. Applicants should also have a genuine interest in law enforcement.
Residents can sign up for this program online during enrollment periods, or may contact the West Chicago Police Department through the non-emergency contact information.
Citizens Police Academy Program
The Citizens Police Academy Program is managed by the City's Police Department. The Program offers residents an opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes view of the different roles of police officers.
The 2024 enrollment period will be announced on the City's communications platforms when available.
As part of the Program, residents will meet officers with different areas of expertise that will provide learning opportunities for residents to gain a better understanding of specific duties of different officers within a classroom setting. Additionally, participants will be provided with hands on demonstrations in training topics such as: patrol responsibilities, traffic unit duties, investigations, defensive tactics, and building searches.
Residents can sign up for this program online during enrollment periods, or may contact the West Chicago Police Department through the non-emergency contact information.
Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) Prorgram
The Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) Course Program is managed by the City's Police Department. The Program provides education to the public on important actions to take in the event of a natural or man-made disaster through an eight-week training course.
The 2024 enrollment period will be announced on the City's communications platforms when available.
CERT training is designed to provide basic training in disaster preparedness, which increases the ability of citizens to survive until responders or other assistance arrives. The Program will include instruction on weather safety, fire and life safety, medical, light search and rescue, CERT organization, psychology and terrorism. Participants also will be trained in CPR and AED use. Those who attend the course learn valuable lessons that may save the life of a family member, neighbor or their own. Learned skills will include the proper way to bandage an injury, use of a fire extinguisher, how to lift a heavy object that has someone trapped and more.
Participants will typically need to attend one meeting per week for a period of seven weeks as part of the Program. To be eligible for the Program, individuals must be at least 18 and live or work in West Chicago or the West Chicago Fire Protection District.
Residents can sign up for this program online during enrollment periods, or may contact the West Chicago Police Department through the non-emergency contact information.