If you are in need of emergency assistance, call 9-1-1. For all other questions, contact the West Chicago Police Department at
(630) 293-2222.
Mission Statement
In accordance with the Illinois Emergency Management Act of January, 1992, the West Chicago Emergency Services and Disaster Agency exists to prevent, minimize, repair, and alleviate injury or damage resulting from disaster caused by enemy attack, sabotage, or other hostile action, or from natural or man-made disasters. Our primary function continues to be one of support/relief for the West Chicago Police Department. Typically we provide assistance at major traffic accidents, protect evidence at crime scenes, and protect the public and property in the event of weather-related damage. In addition, ESDA volunteers are trained to spot potentially hazardous weather which may affect the City, or Western DuPage County. We are part of a multi-county network of weather spotters, providing first-hand information to the DuPage County Office of Emergency Management. This information is used for county-wide severe weather alerts, and is passed on to the National Weather Service. Storm spotting also enables ESDA to provide warnings of potentially dangerous weather conditions to the residents of West Chicago.
Steve Gottlieb - Director
Emergency Services/Disaster Agency Sites
- Illinois Emergency Management Agency - Ready Illinois
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Kane County Office of Emergency Management
- Dupage County Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
- Naperville Emergency Management Agency
- Suburban Mutual Assistance Response Team (Southern Cook and Will Counties)